‘Pod Solniskiem’ Student Tourist Hostel
Student Tourist Hostel ‘Pod Solniskiem’ was established in 1976 out of the initiative of Departamental Tourist Club ‘Maluch’ inside of an old wooden home from 1908 in the hamlet of Lachowice-Adamy. Since 1978 it belongs to Silesian University of Technology. In the following years students of the mathematics and physics department and their guests ran and improved the condition of the Adamy Cabin, which is another name for the facility. Later on Gliwice’s ‘Almatur’, the administrator, designated private renters, which led up to the devastation of the building. In 2001 ‘Harnasie’ Silesian Association of Mountain Guides, which was chosen by the dean of the Silesian Univesity of Technology to run the cabin, undertook a general renovation of the building. It is currently maintained by the ‘Adamy’ Cabin Club and it differs from other student cabins by higher standard and also being alcohol free. The cabin offers sleeping places on mattresses with your own sleeping bag, the tourists have access to a kitchen but there is no buffet there. The guests can always hope for a mug of tea or coffee.

You can't pay with a card
Dogs are not allowed

SST “Pod Solniskiem”
34-232 Lachowice-Adamy 263